
This post helped me see something new to me. If the pagans were truthful in their accounts of Ge/Ki/Gaia inciting her son Kronos/Ham to overthrow his father, Noah, then God ran an experiment of sorts. He destroyed the world and saved only Noah and His family. He puts Noah and his family in a new Garden of Eden in the mountains of Ararat. Then the woman goes haywire again, and another man, Ham, listens to the voice of the woman and goes astray with her. Humanity has a second Fall as it were. This experiment proved that humanity is broken and will always Fall if placed in the Garden of Eden. Thus the Incarnation was the only solution to humanity's problem. It would take a second Adam whose soul was unfallen in order to redeem and restore humanity to fellowship with the Father.

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That connection of Noah planting a vineyard and then resting in his tent is new to me, and very powerful.

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